Zizkovské jelito

Dish made of stewed spleens, pork cracklings, cooked grits and other ingredients.


400 g of pork spleens 300 g of grits 100 g pork cracklings 100 g

td>onions 50 g of lard 2 pcs garlic cloves 1/2 teaspoon of good oregano 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper water salt


1. Rinse the groats several times with hot water and boil them in salted water with a piece of lard until tender
2. Fry finely chopped onion in the remaining lard
3. Add minced spleens in a meat grinder, simmer for a while
4. Finally, mix the dish with the grits, season with spices, garlic and salt to taste.


Serve with sauerkraut.