Vegetable rice with rabbit, a healthy, low-fat recipe

Total: 40 min Diners: 4

It’s about time to change the chip. Now that there is nothing left for the return of the eternal New Year’s resolutions, those that we never fulfill because, let’s face it, they are so unrealistic that from minute one we already know that the desire to carry them out will run out before the stock of the fashion garment of the season on the first day of sales.

And it is normal, because one of the resolutions that are repeated year after year is to eat healthier, we think about eating Vegetable Recipes and we come very high with our little plate of boiled Vegetable Recipes, piece of lean grilled meat and a ball of tasteless white rice made with the spoon to make ice cream balls. The difference between that dish and this vegetable rice with rabbit that we propose today from NaturHouse is that, with the first, on the third day the simple fact of thinking about the menu takes away even the will to live and, with the second, we will have the pleasant feeling that in the end it turns out that it is good to prepare healthy menus.

Also, this recipe for vegetable rice with rabbit is not only very easy to make, but it is perfect for the whole family, which is also something to keep in mind, because it helps to save time in planning and preparing menus that, in addition, will be cheaper to prepare and we will end up wasting less food.

In this recipe, which combines carbohydrates -those from rice and Vegetable Recipes- and lean proteins which, in this case, are provided by rabbit meat, a meat that is low in fat; high in protein to maintain our muscle mass; low in sodium and, therefore, indicated in hypertensive people, with problems of obesity and diabetes; with high levels of vitamin B12, which turns it into a perfect food for pregnant women and women in period of lactation and, in addition, it is a very easy to digest meat and does not increase the levels of uric acid. In short, the rabbit is a lean, healthy meat that we can easily find in local markets betting on the 0 km product.

We can make the dish even healthier if, instead of using a refined white rice, we use brown rice as this has higher fiber content, B vitamins and minerals being a complex type carbohydrate that is absorbed and digested more slowly compared to white rice so it maintains the feeling of satiety for longer.

How to make a tasty and healthy vegetable and rabbit rice

To make this recipe suggested by NaturHouse you will only need a few ingredients very easy to get throughout the year in any market or supermarket.


. Rice, 400 g (better if it is wholemeal) Dietesse NaturHouse vegetable stock, 1 liter (*) Courgette, 1 pc Eggplant, 1 pc Carrots, 2 pc Onion, 1 pc Ripe tomatoes, 2 pc Rabbit in small pieces, 500 g Extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons Salt Saffron, turmeric or paprika, optional (we will use them if we also want to give an extra touch of color to our rice)

(*) We will use a liter of Dietesse NaturHouse vegetable broth if the rice is white rice, but if it is brown rice we will use a liter and a half. In addition, if we use the latter, it is convenient to wash it well before using it and even, if we have time, we can soak it for one or two hours as if it were a legume.

Step 1

Clean the Vegetable Recipes, peel the necessary ones, grate the tomatoes, cut the rest into small cubes and set aside. Season the rabbit pieces and set them aside as well.

Step 2

Heat a tablespoon of oil in a paella pan or frying pan and brown the rabbit pieces over medium heat, turning occasionally so that they brown equally on all sides. When browned, remove the pieces from the pan and set aside.

Step 3

Without cleaning the pan, add the other tablespoon of oil and sauté the onion with the carrots until they begin to brown slightly. Add the zucchini and the eggplant and let them cook with a pinch of salt. When these Vegetable Recipes are tender, add the grated tomato and turn up the heat a little so that the water evaporates. At this point we must not stop stirring because the tomato burns very easily.

Step 4

When the tomato has reduced a little, lower the heat almost to the minimum and leave it about ten or fifteen minutes to finish frying everything.

Step 5

Add the Dietesse NaturHouse vegetable stock, add some spices for color if desired and the pieces of rabbit that we had reserved. When the broth comes to the boil, add the rice in the form of rain, wait for it to come to the boil, lower the heat and let it cook for about 18-20 minutes. The time and the exact amount of broth that we need for our rice to be ready depends on the variety chosen and are usually indicated on the package, for example, if we use brown rice, we will need between 40 and 50% more broth and a longer cooking time than if we use white rice.

Step 6

Once the cooking time is over, we cover our rice with a cloth and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving it.

Step 6

When the cooking time is over, we cover our rice with a cloth and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.