Toasted Tearing Bread

A popular hot snack for many parties, but also an interesting hot appetizer or snack for several diners. It is slices of toasted bread spread with herb butter, interspersed with cheese and sausage, baked in the oven topped with an egg beaten in a little cream.


1 packet of bread 150 g of gouda, eidam …. 120 g of sliced ham (English bacon, salami …) 1 dcl cream 1 pk large egg 1 pk large egg herbed butter butter (oil) oregano pepper salt foil or suitable silicone baking tin and foil


  • For the toasted bread, make a taller bowl, or you can use a suitable silicone baking tin, grease with butter or oil and place the whole toasted bread
  • .Brush the slices of toasted bread lightly with herb butter, then gradually insert slices of cheese, ham or other cured meats into the individual gaps, season with pepper and oregano, or other favorite spices
  • Pour the cream in which you have whisked one large or two smaller eggs with a pinch of salt over the folded lid
  • Place the lid covered with more foil in an oven preheated to 180 °C and bake for 15 to 20 minutes covered, then remove the foil and bake the bread until it is nicely coloured and the surface is crispy
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  • Serve whole on a platter, baking sheet, etc., place dessert plates on the table and diners can dig into the hot bread, the slices are torn from the baked bread, hence the name.