Steamed cod with soy sauce and ginger recipe

Total: 20 min Diners: 1

Bacalao is one of the most popular, well-known and used fish in Spain, because, for years, it has been the comfort of all the abstinence, frugality and fasting advocated in the Bible. And this trend goes back hundreds of years, when before discovering this fish, the Spaniards fed on whale meat during Lent or any other religious feast that so ordered.

The years passed and the maritime immersions of the Spaniards grew and increased their radar of action, even reaching the island of Newfoundland where, all of a sudden, they came face to face with huge shoals of cod (or haddock as it was known at the time). It was then that the recognition of cod grew like wildfire and spread from the coast to the interior of the country (it was said that cod had its head in Scotland and its tail in Madrid).

Salted or dried, at the end of the Middle Ages, it was rare the Spanish house in which there was not one hanging in the heat of the fireplace. So much so that even in cities like Avila or Valladolid, ordinances were issued that set an official price to prevent the poor from succumbing to the greed of the fishmongers and skipping the fast.

A multitude of preparations were devised with cod; the Spanish proverb is very broad… “old Castilian, garlic with haddock fish”. Years and years have passed until today, but the fame of the fish has not diminished, but has even grown.

The amount of fish that reached the coast made the Basque cuisine to promote popular recipes such as cod in green sauce, Biscayan style, Bilbao style or, of course, the invaluable cod in pil pil sauce.

But it is not only widely consumed in Spain, it is also widely recognized throughout Asia and, in particular, in China. It is very popular in the province of Canton (Cantonese food has traveled the best outside the borders of China. To the point that what we know in the West as Chinese food, most likely, is Cantonese), where fresh fish and spices (ginger, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine) and not so much the spicy as in other areas of the country.

The recipe for steamed cod Chinese style, is a classic Cantonese cuisine that is usually served as a main dish at all weddings. Easy and quick to make, it’s Asian flavors at their purest; real Chinese food that you do eat in China, although this preparation is actually seen a lot with sea bass, but it can be applied to any white fish.

Like so many other oriental recipes, the best thing about them is that they are very immediate and easy to make. In just 5 minutes and with four ingredients, we can vary the weekly menu and enjoy flavors to which we are not so used to (to buy Asian ingredients there is no better area in Madrid than General Margallo street).

If cooking is not enough, now that it is difficult to travel, we can move to China by the hand of restaurants where they make this dish that is usually always ordered to share such as Hong Kong 70, Lao Tou or Don Lay. A world of stir-fries, balanced flavors and hot pot to discover.

How to make steamed cod with soy and ginger


. Desalted boneless cod, 250 g Fresh ginger, 50 g Fresh cilantro, a large handful Shallots, 3 pc (or 6 pc Chinese chives) Hot water, 2 tbsp Soy sauce, 2 tbsp Soy sauce, 2 tbsp Sugar, 1 tsp Salt, 1/2 tsp Sesame oil, a few drops Ground black pepper, to taste

Step 1

The first thing we will do is cut the ginger into julienne strips, well peeled, and also cut the shallot or Chinese chives finely and chop the cilantro very well. Set everything aside.

Step 2

In a pot place a base of water and bring to a boil, place a rack and place the fish on it, cover and let cook steaming for 3-5 minutes, 7 if we use fish for 4 people. We will have to use fish already cleaned of bones, only the whole loins or divided into portions.

Step 3

In a bowl mix the water with the soy sauce, sugar, salt, pepper and sesame oil. Dilute well.

Step 4

Meanwhile prepare the sauce by frying the ginger with two tablespoons of oil until it starts to brown. Then add the shallot, sauté over high heat and add the coriander.

Step 5

Add the sauce to the pan and wait for it to bubble and mix well. Top the fish with the sauce and finish with a little more fresh cilantro or freshly chopped Chinese chives on top.