Spicy mushrooms on wine with celery puree


1 pk celery 4 pk carrots 2 pk spaghetti zucchini 10 pk mushrooms 1 pk onions 1 tbsp butter 1 dl red wine 1 pk chilli pepper salt ground black pepper olive oil


1. Fry the onion in the oil and add the cleaned and sliced zucchini, carrots and washed mushrooms. Sauté for about 5-10 minutes until glassy and then add chopped chillies and 2KL soy sauce. 2. Finally, pour 1dl of dry red wine over everything and season with salt to taste. 3. Meanwhile, boil the celery in salted water, drain the water and add 2 tbsp butter. 4. Blend with an immersion blender until smooth and serve with the sautéed mushrooms. 5. Enjoy!