Sour plum cake


460 g semi-coarse flour 1 KL salt 3 tbsp powdered sugar 1 pk egg 125 ml lukewarm milk 20 g yeast 125 ml Milk (for sourdough) 1 tbsp icing sugar ( for sourdough) 3 tbsp crystal sugar ( for the crumble) 3 tbsp semi-coarse flour ( for the crumble) 50 g butter 1 packet cinnamon sugar 1 cup plum compote a little juice from the plum compote


This is one of the recipes that I associate with my childhood. When my grandmother’s kitchen smelled of freshly baked plums that we kids naughtily ” stole” from the cake while it was still warm. And I have to admit that no matter how hard I try, I still have the feeling that her cake was a bit better… even though the recipe is the same 🙂


First, make the sourdough starter. 125 ml of milk, warm it up a bit, add 1 tbsp of icing sugar and crumbled yeast. Stir and let stand for a few minutes.


Place the flour, salt, caster sugar, and egg in a large bowl. Add the sourdough starter, pour in the milk (125ml) and make a smooth dough. If it is very sticky, I sprinkle a little flour on my hands.


Cover and leave in a warm place to rise for about 50 minutes.


Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the paper on a larger baking tray (make sure you don’t bake it on a small tray, the dough will still rise and then be high with the “bread”).


Take the dough and spread it with your hands on the baking sheet (put a little oil on your fingers and it will go smoothly this way). Place the plums on top of the dough. To make it even juicier, I like to drizzle it with a little compote juice. If you don’t have any, you can mash 2-3 plums into a puree. Then sprinkle the plums with cinnamon sugar with a sprinkle of granulated sugar.


Bake 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees in a hot oven.


Good taste!