Cabbage soup with plums


400 g sauerkraut 1 pk smoked knee 2 pk sausage 1 pk onion to taste salt, ground black pepper 1 tbsp ground red pepper a little oil 2 pk bay leaf 1 handful of dried mushrooms 1/2 KL caraway seeds 4 pk prunes


1. Wash the knee, cut the skin and put it in the pot. Pour water over the whole knuckle, season with salt and cook until semi-soft. 2. Add sauerkraut, soaked dried mushrooms, plums, caraway seeds, pepper, sausages and cook the cabbage until tender. 3. Then remove the knee and sausages. Cut the meat into smaller pieces and put it back into the cabbage soup, but only after it has been fried. 4. Fry the finely chopped onion in hot oil. Sprinkle with flour and ground paprika. Pour in a little water and pour the roux into the cabbage soup. Simmer it briefly, stir in the meat and serve.