Another good vegetable soup


1/4 pk kale 2 stalks celery 1 pk smaller zucchini 1 pk smaller potato 2 cloves garlic a little minced red pepper a little ground turmeric a little ground thyme a little olive oil a little crushed cumin


When the fruits of your labor in the garden begin to ripen, good food cooks itself. It’s just run off, break off, break off here and there, cut off. Full of plants, herbs. This soup is a mixture of celery stalks, first carrots, kale, garlic…and quite quickly cooked and eaten. The kind that you can run right out into the woods for a walk and it won’t make your stomach drop like a stone. On the other hand, sleeping after eating in a net under the trees is also a great experience. For every mom of a small child


Fry the carrots cut into pieces in oil. Add chopped kale, garlic (I tend to squish it).


Slice the celery stalk and chopped potato and thyme into fine pieces. I always try to cut the tougher Vegetable Recipes into about the same pieces so they are ready in the same amount of time.


I reheat, add cumin and ground pepper, stir and cover with water. Pour the water and finally add the ground turmeric and grated zucchini.


TIP: I usually add cooked buckwheat, small pasta, quinoa, or grits to the soup. Or sterilized legumes like beans, lentils, or chickpeas.