Salmon po alikantsku

Fried salmon slices covered with hollandaise sauce.


4 pieces of fresh salmon 1 piece of lemon 1 pc onion chilli pepper


ground pepper parsley oil salt For the sauce 100 g butter 3 pcs egg yolks 6 tbsp white wine 1 tsp full fat mustard ground pepper splash of lemon juice sugar salt


1. Soak the rinsed and dried salmon portions for 2-3 hours in a pickling liquid prepared from 1,5 dl oil, lemon juice, sliced onion, salt, ground pepper, chilli pepper and a sprig of parsley
2. Twenty minutes before serving, remove the salmon and cook under a hot grill until tender
3. Serve with lemon and hollandaise sauce.

Preparation of hollandaise sauce:
1. Melt the butter and pour into a taller container from which you could easily pour off the settled whey
2. Place the egg yolk with the salt, pepper, white wine, lemon juice, mustard and sugar in a saucepan and whisk in a water bath over a low heat until the mixture thickens
3. Remove from the heat and whisk in the melted butter and whey
4. Serve immediately.