Russian Steak

Recipe from Russian cuisine. It is a seasoned mixture of minced meats in the shape of steaks served in a spicy cream sauce with mushrooms and capers.


300 g of ground beef hind 300 g 150 g of loaded mushrooms 2 dl sweet cream 4 pcs peelless lemon slices 4 pcs black peppercorns 2 pcs larger onions 2 pcs housky 1 pcs eggs 1 pcsbean leaf 2 tbsp capers lemon juice thyme sugar


oil salt


  • Mix the minced meat, add the buns that have been soaked in water beforehand, 1 grated onion, crack an egg, season with salt and pepper, mix, shape the steaks
  • .Fry the steaks on both sides, hot, in oil, set the browned steaks aside
  • Add the second grated onion, bay leaf, thyme, whole pepper, lemon slices without rind, pour a little water, boil briefly, strain through a colander
  • Into the strained juice put the roasted steaks, simmer for 15 minutes, occasionally pour water
  • Remove the stewed steaks from the base, pour in the sweet cream, dust with plain flour, add chopped capers, pickled mushrooms, season with salt, sugar, pepper, lemon juice, sauce, simmer briefly
  • Pour the sauce over the steaks and serve with, for example, roasted potatoes.