Russian salad with sea urchins recipe

Total: 1 h 10 min Diners: 4

‘Dos vinos, una caña, una de bravas, unas gambas al ajillo y una ensaladilla rusa’, almost a mantra that is repeated in the taverns of Spain at the time of the aperitif.

Popular dish, traditional and tasty as few others. A recipe that could well be changed to “Spanish” because it has undoubtedly surpassed the Volga country as far as fame is concerned. A dish that a priori is simple, but for which you need a lot of hand and care in the preparation.

The ingredients must be balanced, but that does not imply that there is necessarily a single recipe for salad. There are those who prefer it creamy, others with pickles and even with meat has been seen; but, for me, what can never be missing is potato, carrot, hard-boiled egg and a very good homemade mayonnaise.

In this last one we must be very heavy because it is the differentiating and critical point between any salad and the best salad on the planet. With smoked fish, potatoes, salmon or, like today’s; a sea urchin salad, the classic tapa par excellence, but in its most updated version (not too much, either, mind you. Normally, in these preparations, less is usually more).

The iodized taste of sea urchin gives it that punch of flavor and that power to sea that comes so well and now that they are in season we can use them fresh or always a good canned preserves of these delicious “tongues” of sea.

With the permission of the best salad of Spain in 2020, there are many restaurants where you can eat the best version of this classic. Even so, this is a very simple recipe to make at home; ideal to eat this Christmas or for any other celebration. Yes, as strange as it may seem, originally, the ensaladilla was a preparation that had appearance on the table only on Sundays and on rare special occasions.

As proof of this, and to finish, I leave a phrase of Karlos Arguiñano: “When I met my wife, I was tremendously happy. I quickly realized that she was the right one: in her house, every day there was ensaladilla. Every day was Sunday.”

How to make hedgehog Russian salad

Step 8

. Ingredients

Large washed potatoes, 3 u Carrots, 2 u Eggs, 4 u Salt, c/s Black pepper, c/s Capers, 14 ud Canned sea urchin, 1 can

For the mayonnaise

. Mild olive oil, 500 ml free-range egg, 1 pc Grapefruit juice, 1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon Salt, s/s

Step 1

The first thing we will do for our sea urchin salad will be to cook the potatoes and carrots, we can put them in the same saucepan with plenty of water and salt and always with their skin, so that they absorb as little water as possible. The carrots will be tender before the potatoes so we will have to prick them often and remove them when they are ready. We will be able to put right there to cook the eggs timing that they are in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Step 2

After 10 minutes remove the eggs and cool completely in a bowl with water and ice. Peel and remove the yolks. Crush the egg whites very well by chopping them finely with a knife. Set aside.

Step 3

While the potatoes finish cooking, whip the mayonnaise by emulsifying the egg with the oil, grapefruit juice, vinegar and salt in a blender. Little by little so that the emulsion is stable. Set aside.

Step 4

Small chop the capers also, we can add if we want a little pickle.

Step 5

Peel the potatoes and chop them small, we can mash them a little with the help of a fork if we want to make it more doughy. Also chop the carrots, no need to peel them.

Step 6

Mix the potato with the carrots, egg white, mayonnaise, half the can of sea urchins and capers. Add salt and black pepper.

Step 7


Crumble the egg yolk and finish the sea urchin salad with it on top, also add the rest of the canned sea urchin yolks we had. Optionally add some chives if desired.

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