Romanian mititei

Milled fatty beef, mixed with crushed garlic, salt, a pinch of baking soda and broth, seasoned with pepper, allspice and cumin, formed into thumb-sized rolls, refrigerated and then fried in oil.


500 g of fatty prime beef 2 pcs garlic cloves


3 tablespoons of cold bone broth 3 balls of allspice on the tip of a knife of baking soda toasting oil whole cumin parsley




1. Wash the beef and grind it finely in a meat grinder
2. Then peel the garlic cloves and mash with salt, chop the fresh parsley finely and beat the allspice with a little whole cumin in a mortar
3. Put the ground beef in a bowl, add the pounded spices, baking soda, pepper, mashed garlic and salt, broth and mix thoroughly
4. Form the mixture into thick rolls about as thick as your thumb and let them rest in a cool place for at least 3 hours
5. Fry the rested rolls in hot oil on all sides


Mititei can also be grilled on an outdoor grill grate.