Red cabbage salad with plums and cottage cheese recipe

Total: 10 min Diners: 4

Lombard is not only the typical garnish for Christmas dinner in some Spanish towns like Madrid. This vegetable of striking color belonging to the cruciferous family is a versatile food that can be included in our diet in multiple recipes like this red cabbage salad that we propose today, as well as in sautéed and soups or creams.


Small red cabbage, 560 g Extra virgin olive oil, 60 ml Lime juice, 40 g Salt, 6 g Chili powder, 2 g Prunes, 120 g Chopped cilantro, 1 tablespoon Cottage cheese, 200 g Toasted sesame, 15 g

Nutritional properties and calories of red cabbage

Rape cabbage is a perfect ally for weight loss for several reasons. First, because its fiber content generates a false feeling of satiety that will get the amount eaten is much lower; but also because 100 grams have only 21 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates. Its composition is 90% water, so we will not have to be afraid when serving generous portions.

Among its antioxidant properties we must highlight those offered by sulforaphane, studied for their possible ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells and destroy damaged ones. They could be the best protectors for colon or prostate cancer and, therefore, the Spanish Association Against Cancer recommends the regular consumption of all types of cabbage.

Lombard is a food with a very complete nutritional profile, since it has very few calories but contains much of the vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily.

In 100 g of red cabbage:

Calories: 21 Fiber: 2 g Vitamin C: 54% of RDA Vitamin K: 85% of RDA Folate: 10% of RDA Vitamin B6: 6% of RDA Potassium: 4% of the RDA Manganese: 7% of the RDA Magnesium: 3% of the RDA Calcium: 4% of the RDA

Lombardy in Spain

It is a crop that is not particularly demanding so it grows well throughout the country. Its characteristic purple color tends to blue when grown in alkaline soils and is more reddish if the growing area has higher acidity.

Although it is consumed throughout Spain, the main growing areas are on the Mediterranean coast and in the provinces of Madrid and Toledo, being the capital where this vegetable is most appreciated, to the point of being one of the star dishes of the Christmas tables.

How to consume red cabbage

Rape cabbage can be eaten both raw and cooked, although to make the most of its nutritional properties it is advisable not to overcook it.

Thinly sliced red cabbage can be eaten raw in salads as in the recipe we show you at the end of this article. In Madrid the usual way to eat it is sautéed with bacon and apple or pears, but it is also delicious if cooked in creams or purees.

The anthocyanins that give red cabbage its color have the property of being a pH indicator, so the red cabbage juice can change the color of the foods with which it is mixed depending on their acidity or alkalinity.

How to preserve red cabbage

Rape cabbage is a vegetable that can be preserved at home for several days if left wrapped in newspaper or kitchen paper in the vegetable drawer or in the least cold part of the refrigerator.

In some European countries it is common to prepare pickles to preserve it for months in vinegar.

How to make a red cabbage salad with plums and ricotta

.The ideal is to grate or cut the red cabbage very finely so that it does not become too heavy in the mouth and bites well and so that our red cabbage salad is fresh and agile, with the sweet combination of plum, spicy chili and creamy cottage cheese.

To cut the red cabbage better, we recommend a mandolin or a wide-mouth grater

The ricotta can be easily substituted with ricotta or even feta or goat cheese, fresh curl style.

Step 1

Grate the red cabbage very finely.

Step 2

Prepare the dressing for our red cabbage salad with the olive oil, lime juice, chili flakes, salt and toasted sesame.

Step 3

Mix the cabbage with the chopped plums, coriander and cottage cheese. Reserve a little of each.

Step 4

Stir and mix well.

Step 5

Serve in individual bowls and decorate with the plums, cilantro and cottage cheese that we had set aside.