Recipe to make exfoliating cream with bath bomb

Bath bombs are a wonderfully fizzy and fun way to enjoy a bath. But did you know that you can also use them to make your own exfoliating cream? This cream is perfect for getting rid of dead skin cells and revealing softer, smoother skin underneath. Plus, it’s super easy to make!

All you need is one bath bomb and a little bit of coconut oil. Simply crumble the bath bomb into a bowl, then add in enough coconut oil to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to your skin and massage in circular motions. Rinse off with warm water and enjoy your newly exfoliated skin!

You can use this cream anywhere on your body, but it’s especially nice on the legs and feet. If you have any problem areas with dry or rough skin, give this cream a try – you’ll be amazed at how soft and smooth your skin feels afterwards.

Here are a few tips for getting the best results:

Start with clean, dry skin. This will help the cream work its best.
Be gentle when applying. There’s no need to scrub harshly – just let the cream do its work.
Rinse well afterwards. This will help remove any residual oil and prevent your skin from feeling too greasy.

So next time you’re in the bath bomb aisle at the store, pick up an extra one (or two!) and give this recipe a try