Recipe for how to make a tawny port

Tawny port is a wine that is made by blending different types of port wine together. The term “tawny” refers to the brownish color of the wine. Tawny port is typically sweeter than other types of port, and is often served as a dessert wine.


– 1 bottle of tawny port

– 1/2 cup of sugar

– 1/4 cup of water


1) Pour the tawny port into a pot or saucepan.

2) Add the sugar and water, and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3) Heat the mixture over low heat, and simmer for about 10 minutes.

4) Pour the tawny port into glasses, and serve.

Where you can use it:

Tawny port can be served as a dessert wine, or it can be used in recipes that call for port. It can also be served with cheese or other savory dishes.


– If you want to make a sweeter tawny port, add more sugar to the mixture.

– If you want to make a less sweet tawny port, add less sugar to the mixture