Pumpkin soup with bear garlic


1 pk pumpkin 15 leaves bear garlic 1 pk carrot 1 pk potato pk salt pk ground black pepper pk crushed cumin 1 pk medium onion 1 tbsp butter pk curry powder


Healthy quick soup

1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes. Dice the carrot and potato as well. Clean and finely chop the bear garlic. Fry the onion in butter and add the pumpkin, carrots. Fry a little and cover with water. Add potato and spices – salt, black pepper, curry powder, cumin. 2. Cook until the ingredients are cooked – 30 – 45 minutes. Blend with a stick blender and serve. On top of the soup we can add grated cheese,toasted bread, herbs, etc. Have a good taste.