Porcini dumplings for festive soup


1 cube yeast 2 tbsp oil 2 cloves garlic 2 pcs egg 5 tbsp breadcrumbs pcs fresh parsley pcs vegeta, salt, ground black pepper


Yeast dumplings for Christmas or New Year’s Eve holiday soup or meat broth.


Place 2-3 tbsp oil and crumbled yeast in a pan. Fry the yeast until it stops foaming. Remove from the heat and let it cool down.


To the cooled mixture add raw eggs, breadcrumbs, crushed garlic, vegeta, salt, black pepper, chopped parsley and mix a thick dough, from which form round dumplings.


Place the cooked dumplings in boiling vegetable soup, meat broth or boiling salted water with a little oil. Boil for about 2-3 minutes. When they float to the surface they are ready. Enjoy.