
Polenta made from corn kernels is an excellent accompaniment to meat dishes. It can also be seasoned with cheese or herbs. The polenta will keep well in the fridge so it’s easy to grill or fry in pieces.

Ingredients for four

2 dl polenta 3 dl water 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp butter 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp black pepper

Seasoning options for polenta

1 handful of grated parmesan 2 tablespoons of gorgonzola 1 handful of fresh herbs

Bring the water to the boil and remove from the heat. Pour the polenta into the water, stirring constantly to prevent the polenta from sticking. Add a generous amount of olive oil to keep the polenta loose.

Stir in your preferred seasonings and butter (until shiny) and place under the lid for a few minutes.

The polenta can be used to make a “rim”; for example, for Osso Bucco; pour the polenta onto a cutting board and scoop it into a circle. The polenta will set in a few minutes. You can put the meat inside and the sauce stays neatly inside the edges.

You can also pour the liquid into the polenta moulds and cut pieces for grilling.

The polenta can also be used for grilling.