Penne amatricana

Penne amatricana is one of the spiciest Italian pastas. The bacon gives the dish a tangy flavour and the pasta’s cooking liquid adds juiciness. A quick and easy basic pasta.1/2 dl olive oil salt basil or rosemary 1 dl pasta cooking water Put the water in a saucepan with a generous amount of salt (1 tbsp/2 litre). Boil the penne until crispy. Take out the cooking water for the sauce. While the water is running, slice the bacon and place in a pan. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Drizzle in a generous amount of olive oil and sauté until the onion is golden brown. Split the chillies and remove the seeds. Slide into the pan. Pour in the tomato paste and stir slowly until the sauce thickens. Add the chopped peppers. When the pasta is ready, pour off the water and stir the sauce into the pasta. Season with fresh basil or rosemary. Thin the pasta with a little of the cooking water. Serve the penne amatricana with sliced chilli and olive oil. chilli Italy pasta bacon pork meaty