

250 g semi-coarse flour 35 g powdered sugar 50 g fat 1 pk egg yolk 15 g yeast a little salt 1,2 dl milk a little lemon zest a little vanilla to taste poppy seeds a little fat for greasing a little powdered sugar


1. Prepare a sourdough starter with yeast, a little milk, sugar and flour and leave it to rise. Then add all the other ingredients to it and make a smooth soft dough which you leave to rise. 2. Cut off pieces of the risen dough, press each piece with your fingers, fill with poppy seeds, seal and place in a well-greased baking tray. Place the buns close together and grease them thoroughly so that they separate well when baked. 3. When the baking dish is full, grease the surface of the buns, let them rise for a few more minutes and then bake them in a hot oven until red. Sprinkle the baked buns with icing sugar.