Pasta all arrabbiata

Pasta all’ arrabbiata, or angry pasta, is shot through with chilliä. You can find all sorts of chile in the shops, so go with your own taste.

Ingredients for four

350g good quality* penne pasta 2 tbsp salt in the cooking water

Tomato sauce

1-2 chillies, fresh or dried to taste 1 onion 3 cloves of garlic; 2 teaspoons oregano 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons good quality tomato paste olive oil

Lis&&100g parmesan

*The more matte the dry pasta is, the better the quality. This is reflected in the price, but it’s not worth paying the whole euro.

Bring the pasta water to the boil. Salt generously.

Start making the tomato sauce. Peel and chop the onions, add the garlic to a large pan, add the olive oil and a generous sprinkling of olive oil. Start to take a lömpöä. Pour the tomato paste into myös pan. Season with the remaining sauce ingredients. Cook on low heat for ten minutes until the water evaporates. Be careful though, the tomato will easily crumble.

Prepare the parmesan.

Cook the pasta until it is al dente. Drain off the water. Mix half of the Parmesan sauce with the tomato sauce, then pour the sauce into the pasta pot and mix well.

Place the pasta all over the plates and finish with the Parmesan.

Italy Vegetarian Tomato