Oyster mushroom soup


250 g oyster mushrooms 1 tbsp butter 2 tbsp oil 1 pk onion 2 tbsp plain flour 1 tbsp ground red pepper 1 cube of masox 2 cloves garlic a little ground black pepper a little ground cumin 1 KL marjoram a little parsley to taste salt


1. Cut the mushroom into pieces and cover with water so that it is submerged. Season with salt, add the caraway seeds and cook for 25 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, heat the butter and oil in a saucepan, throw in the finely chopped onion, fry it, add the flour, paprika and roast together. Then pour in about a litre of water, add the masox, ground black pepper, bring to the boil and stir to make a smooth soup. 3. Top up with the mushroom and stock, add the marjoram and garlic and simmer briefly. Season the soup, garnish with parsley and serve with bread. 4. Similar ‘držkovky’ are also made from other types of mushrooms, e.g. butter mushrooms, butternut squash or wild mushrooms. It is always important to boil the mushrooms well.