Nutella slices with nuts



6 pcs eggs 150 g granulated sugar 100 ml lukewarm water 50 ml oil 150 g walnuts 150 g semi-coarse flour 1 packet baking powder 1 tbsp cocoa 1 tbsp currant jam to spread on the crust


500 g Mascarpone 500 ml whipping cream 1 packet whipping cream stiffener 1 packet vanilla sugar 400 g nutella nutella

still needed

candy decorations


Festive cuts with nuts and nutella…


Cesto: Beat egg yolks with sugar, add oil, water, progressively mix in all the dry ingredients. Finally, lightly fold in the stiff snow beaten from the egg whites by hand.


Pour the batter onto a baking tray (30×40 cm) and bake at 200°C for 30 minutes. Brush the baked cake with jam and leave to cool.


Cream. In another bowl, lightly stir in the mascarpone and slowly add the whipped cream and beat until stiff.


Spread a little of the cream on the cooled cake with the jam. Using a string, divide the cake into 4 parts. Fill the custard into a piping bag with a decorative nozzle and pipe the custard, leaving a gap in the centre for the Nutella. Then spray Nutella into the gaps and decorate the dessert with candies.