Mussel risotto, easy and cheap recipe for back to school

Total: 35 min Diners: 4

If summers are for paellas, winters should be for risottos, so creamy, flavorful and comforting. Today’s, a mussel risotto is a simple and flavorful recipe for which you need very easily available ingredients.


For the mussel stock

Mussels, 1 kg Spring onion, 1 garlic, 1 clove Fresh chopped parsley, 3 tablespoons Butter, 1 tablespoon White wine, 100 ml

For the mussel risotto

Scotti rice, 300 g Fish fumet, quantity needed All the broth from the mussels Butter, 2 tablespoons Chives, 1 White wine, 75 ml Olive oil, 2 tablespoons Chopped fresh parsley, 2 tablespoons

How to prepare the mussel broth.

The result will be much tastier if we buy whole mussels and use them to make a broth with them, but if we are in a hurry we could save this step by buying some good canned natural mussels.

Step 1

In a deep pan put to heat a tablespoon of butter in which we will sauté the chopped spring onion, the crushed garlic clove in one blow and unpeeled and chopped parsley.

Step 2

When the spring onion starts to become transparent, add the mussels cleaned of shells and any remaining string, turn up the heat and add the white wine. Let cook for a few seconds until the alcohol is reduced and the mussels open.

Step 3

Once the mussels have opened, remove them, discard the shells and reserve the mussel meat on one side and all the liquid left in the pan to keep it warm on the other.

How to prepare the mussel risotto

Step 1

Brown the chopped spring onion with half the butter and olive oil. When it takes color add the Scotti rice and sauté until it has a pearly appearance.

Step 2

Add the wine and turn up the heat until the alcohol evaporates.

Step 3

Cover with the hot broth from the mussels and stir constantly until it evaporates, continue watering with hot fumet and continue stirring until it evaporates. Repeat the process for about 20 minutes until the rice is ready.

Step 4

Integrate the remaining butter, check the salt level, sprinkle with chopped parsley and add the reserved mussels. Serve hot.