Mushroom and cream skewers recipe

Fresh ingredients

3 servings 500 g undried mushrooms 200 g fresh mushrooms: mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms… 1 onion 100 g ham or lean bacon 1 clove of garlic or a pinch of nutmeg 250 ml of cream 100 g Niva or processed cheese, approx. 1 kg salt, if necessary ground pepper to taste oil or my salt


1 Fry the sliced onion in the oil, then add the sliced mushrooms, which are fried over medium heat. Add the garlic and the sliced ham (bacon) during frying. When the mushroom water is almost dry, pour the cream over everything, bring to the boil, add cheese to taste (Niva, Cheddar, processed cheese…) and let it melt in the sauce. Salt and pepper to taste and reduce the sauce to the required thickness by simmering or adding a little milk. Pour the sauce directly onto a plate or place them in a saucepan, pour the sauce over them and stir. 3 If you prefer a meatless dish, use smoked tofu or smoked sumac instead of ham.