London cuts


300 g wheat plain flour for sourdough 150 g powdered sugar 150 g walnuts ground 6 pcs egg yolk 125 g cold butter 125 g cold lard cinnamon ground cardamom salt


apricot jam (to spread)

Nutty snow

200 g walnuts ground 8 pcs egg white 140 g vanillin sugar 60 g cane sugar with rum


Mish-mash of vanilla rolls,popsicle cuts and London cuts, originating from the insomina marked cerebral mass in the human cranial cavity. It is suitable for any celebration in the course of life, be it Monday or Thursday. It serves as a statement that every life moment enjoyed is worthy of celebration and affirms that every single heartbeat, every single breath, every single nervous excitement is a jubilee experience deserving of recognition…. love confession, sin confession, and subsequent understanding of the true nature of the forgotten present in the past found future


Add all the ingredients (from the first to the intermezzo)needed to create the corporeal mass into a container chosen according to personal preference and work out a homogeneous mass which is then put to rest in a refrigerator for 14 minutes and 7 seconds.


After the resting time has elapsed, roll out the corporeal mass to a thickness of 14.7 millimetres, brush it with apricot jam and place it again in a place with a temperature lower than 7.41 C° but higher than 1.47 C°.


Beat the chickpea albumen with the vanillin and rum sugar to a mega stiff cream, lightly folding in the nuts. This creates a nutty coating ready to spread over the apricot jam-smeared corporeal mixture, which is then placed in a preheated oven (174C° – lower heat + fan) for 41 minutes and 7 seconds.


After baking, we allow our creation to cool and once cooled, we can get down to the business of eating and then merging into one being. Have a good taste


P.S.: I apologize for the lack of photos, but the camera on my phone device broke down and only got working while the above dessert was in the oven