Kale Soup with Oatmeal

Coarsely grated kohlrabi cooked in water together with mixed oatmeal with milk, masox and onion.


3 pcs of kohlrabi 1 pc of masox cubes 1 pc onions 3 tbsp oatmeal 800 ml water


200 ml milk ground mace parsley vegeta salt


1. Peel the kohlrabi, grate coarsely, put in a pot, cover with water and boil
2. Meanwhile, in a large enough bowl, mix the milk, oatmeal, masox cube, diced onion and blend everything with an immersion blender
3. Pour the blended mixture over the kohlrabi and cook, stirring occasionally
4. When the kohlrabi are soft, season with vegetation, ground mace and salt
5. Serve the soup portions sprinkled with chopped parsley.