Iced cheese mousse with red berries recipe

Total: 20 min Diners: 4

For the hottest days of summer in Spain here is a delicious homemade dessert, 100% natural and healthy (or for any time, because it is delicious). The grace of this frozen cheese mousse is that it is airy, ethereal but with cheese flavor to almost make a light ice cream perfect as a dessert or snack.

Of course, the cheese to be used can vary to suit everyone’s tastes but I would always keep a cream cheese base which in this case is Mascarpone but you could use any type of cream cheese, then the goat cheese can mutate to become a brie, a manchego or even a little blue cheese as long as the proportions are adjusted – it is a matter of gradually adding the chosen cheese and testing the mixture until you find the right amount.

Mascarpone, a cheese that triumphs in Spain

It is a white cheese with a soft and creamy consistency, with a sweet flavor and very caloric due to its high fat content. Although technically speaking, Mascarpone is not a cheese, but the result of adding a bacteria culture to the cream that is extracted from the milk used to make Parmesan cheese in a process very similar to that of making yogurt.

After adding the bacteria culture to the cream, it is gently heated, then left to mature and thicken. It is a very delicate product that must be eaten fresh because it spoils very easily. It is the main ingredient of tiramisu.

How to make mascarpone cheese mousse with red fruits

Although here the proposed coulis is of red fruits, the fruit topping can also be of the most varied, I always recommend that you use seasonal fruits that you see in the supermarket. For example now a peach coulis, fig coulis or a melon jam would be great options.


For the cheese mousse

Mascarpone cheese, 100 g Goat cheese. 100 g Very cold whipping cream, 150 ml Gelatin leaves, 3 u Icing sugar, 50 g

For the coulis

Red berries, 150 g (raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants….) Sugar, 40 g Water, 20 g

Step 1

The first thing to do is to hydrate the gelatin sheets in a bowl with plenty of very cold water, better if you put an ice inside. This will make the gelatin then take effect when we use it to give structure to the mousse.

Step 2

Meanwhile, we can whip the cream (reserving 40 g), which must also be very cold. The ideal is to use an electric whisk to make the task easier, when it starts to gain strength we will gradually add the powdered sugar.

Step 3

Heat the remaining 40 g of cream until it boils and dissolve the well-drained gelatine in it, it will be hydrated and with a rubbery texture.

Step 4

Mix the cheeses (the goat cheese without the rind), beating vigorously with the whisk until a homogeneous paste is created. Then add the liquid cream with the gelatine and mix well. Finally, just add the whipped cream with enveloping movements, using a spatula so that the air inside is preserved as well as possible. Taste the sugar and add more if desired and take to a mold to freeze for at least 6 hours.

Step 5

While the cheese mousse is freezing we can make the coulis, putting in a saucepan the water with the sugar until it has melted ( over medium heat ) and then adding the fruits. Stirring from time to time to compote them, 10 minutes will be more than enough. Then it will only be crushed to taste (I like to leave some whole) and cool well.

Step 6

Place the cheese mousse on top with some of the red fruit coulis.