Homemade strawberry jam


1000 g fresh ripe strawberries 220 g cane sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice cinnamon ground


Homemade strawberry jam without artificial preservatives, thickeners and dyes. With less sugar and cinnamon flavour.


Sort the strawberries (use only ripe, healthy and good quality fruits without mould and damage), remove the stems and petals, wash and leave to drain in a sieve. Then spread out on a paper kitchen towel and dry thoroughly.


Slice the dried strawberries into smaller pieces, set some aside (add them at the end). If they are too ripe, just mash them with a potato masher.


Transfer the chopped or mashed mixture into a casserole with as wide a bottom as possible to allow the water to evaporate as quickly as possible during cooking. Cook, stirring constantly, in an open saucepan over medium heat for about 7-10 minutes. If foam forms, collect it continuously using a sieve.


When the strawberries are cooked through, add the cane sugar (it shifts the color a bit to a caramel-brown and creates a richer foam), set aside the strawberry pieces, and continue to cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves. However, do not cook the jam for long enough to preserve all the health benefits, about 20 minutes more. Add the lemon juice and cinnamon a few minutes before cooking.


The total cooking time depends mainly on the ripeness of the strawberries. The jam is ready when a small trail is left when you run a fork across the bottom of the casserole. Alternatively, we can do a gelling test (put a spoonful of jam on a cold plate, if the jam sets, it is ready).


Pour the hot jam into smaller sterilised jars, close tightly with clean lids, turn upside down for 5 minutes, then set upright and wrap in a blanket overnight. No need to sterilise. Put the cooled jam in the pantry the next day. Enjoy!