Homemade lunchmeat

Lunchmeat was first produced in World War II by the English army as a canned food for soldiers, at that time it was made only from pork trimmings. In the last century, it became a very popular canned food in Czechoslovakia for trips, but also for processing at home. It was fried or breaded, made into soups, goulash and other dishes. It was equally tasty just like that, sliced on fresh bread. Even today, it can be bought. But try making your own lunchmeat, cooked in a ham oven for quick consumption.


1 kg of leaner, bone-in pork belly 1 kg 40 g salt 25 g of black pepper


10 g of red sweet minced paprika 10 g of dried garlic 1.5 dl chilled pork stock Other (aids): artificial bag for pressies, meat grinder, hammer


  • Bone the pork belly, cut off the skin and put it with the bones to boil, you will need the stock.
  • Cut the pork belly and shoulder into smaller cubes and mince finely on a 3 mm board. Add all the spices to the mixture, pour in the broth, mix well.
  • Store the mixture in the fridge, let it thaw for at least 12 hours.
  • The next day, fill the mixture into an artificial bag, put it in the ham cooker and cook for 2 hours at 80-85 °C. Leave to cool until the next day.
  • Recommendation:

    The lunchmeat mixture can also be filled into jars (2cm below the rim) and cooked similarly for 2 hours and again for 1 hour the next day, it will last longer sterilised this way.

    Packaged homemade lunchmeat in a triple wrap with mashed potatoes is a treat. However, it is equally great just as it is, served on fresh bread with onions and a well-chilled beer.

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  • Note:

    Text and photo: D. Marounek