Granadier – super fast, traditional dinner
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8 pcs potatoes 400 g pasta (ideally flan) 2 pcs onion 4 tbsp oil 100 g bacon (optional) to taste salt, ground sweet paprika
A bag of pasta, a couple of potatoes, an onion and maybe some bacon can always be found at home. Then all you have to do is pull out a quality ground pepper, a jar of pickles, and dinner will be on the table before everyone has a chance to settle in.
Clean the peanuts, cut them into small cubes and boil them in salted water until soft. Drain and tip into a large bowl.
Also place the pasta in salted water and cook al dente. Drain and add to the potatoes.
Once upon a time in boarding school, we used to cook potatoes and pasta together. It saved dishes and time. I’m just saying… 😉
Heat the oil in a larger pan (I put a tablespoon per person so the granadier doesn’t get dry), add the diced bacon (if you have and want it) and finally finely chop the onion.
Roast the onions until softened, then add a generous spoonful of paprika (we like smoked paprika best). Sauté for another minute and transfer to the bowl with the potatoes and pasta.
Toss everything together, season with salt and a little chopped parsley for colour contrast and serve with pickles.
Good taste!