Gothaj in aspic

Spice made of sliced gothai, boiled eggs, carrots, parsley and gelatin.


300 g of peeled sliced gothaje 150 g carrots 25 gpowdered gelatin 4 dl water 4 pcs eggplant 3 tbsp sugar 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley red onion for garnish water salt


1. Stir the gelatin in 1 dl of cold water and let it swell
2. Boil the eggs hard boiled, boil the cleaned carrots in salted water until almost tender and after boiling, cool the carrots and eggs, then peel the eggs, cut them in half and cut the carrots into cubes
3. Boil the remaining water with sugar, salt and vinegar, dissolve the swollen gelatine in it and do not boil any further, put the aspic and the saucepan in a sink with cold water and stir until it cools down to about body temperature
4. Pour about 3 mm of aspic into the bottom of 4 small metal bowls (or one large one) and let it set
5. Cut the slices of salami in half, dip them individually in aspic and fan them around the perimeter of the bowls (keep a few slices for the final covering), then add the carrots and parsley to the aspic in the bowls, finally add the egg halves, pour over the remaining aspic and cover with the remaining slices of gothaje
6. Place the bowls with aspic in the refrigerator overnight to set and serve sprinkled with red onion.