Gazpacho II.

Cold tomato soup.


600 g tomatoes 8 pcs black olives 2 pcs small onions 1 pc garlic cloves 1 pc of cucumber 2 tbsp of oil


1 dl red wine ground sweet paprika ground pepper


parsley sugar salt


1. 1. boil the tomatoes in boiling water, remove them, peel and finely chop them
2. Chop the cleaned onion finely, add the chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper, sweeten and stir in the wine
3. Mix the finely crushed garlic with the minced paprika and add the oil drop by drop while stirring
4. Then mix in the tomato mixture (you can also mix the ingredients)
5. Finally, add finely diced cucumber, drained, finely chopped olives, stir, cool and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving.