Fish & Chips recipe

Preparation time: 15 min

Baking time: 5 min

Total time: 20 min


  • Cooking time (in kg).4 x 120 g pieces of kohlrabi
  • 2 large eggs
  • 150 g corn flour
  • 150 g crushed cornflakes
  • 500-700 ml oil
  • 3 large potatoes
  • Salt
  • Preparation instructions

  • Cut about 120 g pieces from the kohlrabi.
  • Peat 2 large eggs and dip the kohlrabi pieces in the egg.
  • Dip the pieces of kohlrabi in the cornflour.
  • If necessary, repeat dipping the fillet in the egg and then in the cornflour so that the fish is evenly coated.
  • Dip the fillet into the crushed cornflakes.
  • Place 500-700 ml of oil in a pan and fry the fish in the oil for about 4-5 minutes or until the fish is golden brown on top.
  • Salt the fish.
  • Smoke the potatoes and deep-fry in the same oil until golden brown.
  • Fish & chips

    Fish & chips is a British national dish, available in basically every pub and bar in England. It’s also sold as a street fast food. The British, like us, are seafaring and fish is readily available. They make clever use of fresh ingredients and do so very successfully. Estonians could also eat more fish, and white fish at that. We thought we could do our bit to help the British expand their street food reach, and we prepared fish & chips with kohlrabi as the main ingredient.

    We got ourselves a beautiful and already cleaned kohlrabi from M.V.Wool. So, we didn’t waste any time cleaning the fish. We cut it into big, big pieces. If you want, you can also cut smaller pieces. For example, if you have a bigger group and more people. For the breading, we used cornflour and cornflakes. They go really well together, and with the crushed cornflakes, the fish & chips have a nice crispy, airy crust.

    There was no other difficulty. We just carefully lifted the fish into the oil and when the fishy bits were done, we cooked the fries in the same oil. Using the same oil, the fries will have a better flavour and you don’t have to waste oil unnecessarily. It also saves a lot of time.

    The fish and chips were ready and we served with mayonnaise sauce, but you can also make a tartar sauce. If you want to know how to make tartar sauce, you can check out our recipe for grape salmon, where we taught you how to make it.

    The delicious dish was ready. So, who could fish & chips suit? Certainly all pub food fans and fish lovers. As the fish itself is covered with a nice crust, the texture and flavour of the place is very well preserved. In addition, the combination of crunchy and juicy is very appetising and delicious. Such a dish can be served very successfully for lunch and dinner or as a nice snack between meals. Eat more fish, because we are also seafaring people, and we should eat more of what is readily available. Besides, as the saying goes, he who eats fish cuts off his head.