Easter terrine
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250 ml Hellmann’s tartar sauce 250 ml sour cream 16ˇ% 150 g ham (sliced) 1 cup Moravanka – sterilized Vegetable Recipes 1 cup sterilized corn pcs parsley 1/2 cube vegetable broth 2 dl water 1 packet gelatin for terrine
Fresh, great looking spring recipe.
1. Bring the water to the boil and let the broth melt. Then in a bowl, mix all the Vegetable Recipes, chop some, chop the ham, add the cream, tartar sauce. 2. Add the bag of gelatine to the dissolved water with the broth, let it bubble for 10 min and pour it still warm into the prepared bowl with the Vegetable Recipes, cream and tartar sauce. 3. Line the venison loin mould with cling film or tin foil and pour the mixture in. Cover with foil and leave to set until the next day.