Easter Salty Cake from Křešice

Meatless potato dish with peas and eggs.


200 g of potatoes (raw) 100 g sterilised peas without brine 30 g onions 3 pcs cheese eggs 2 pcs hard boiled eggs 2 pcs garlic cloves 1 tsp hot peppers ground pepper nutmeg pinch oil salt


1. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, mash them, add salt and spread them in an oiled casserole
2. Chop the onion finely, fry in a tablespoon of oil, add the grated garlic, sterilised peas and heat the mixture
3. Cut the hard-boiled eggs into rounds, spread them on the potatoes, sprinkle with the vegetable mixture and finally pour over the boiled salted and seasoned raw eggs
4. Bake the cake (180 °C) until red and cut into portions.


Serve warm or cold.