Divine Virgin Cotta


1 liter sweet cream 6 pcs sliced gelatin 6 tbsp caster sugar fruit for decoration

Caramel sauce

6 tbsp semolina sugar 2 tbsp water 2 tbsp sweet cream


A light dessert that will brighten your day!


Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the sugar. Instead of plain, you can also put vanilla or half and half. Stir over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Meanwhile, soak your gelatin in a little water, about 3 minutes. Place the gelatin (without the water) into the cream and keep stirring until the gelatin dissolves. Careful, like any gelatin it must not be cooked. Keep at about 80 degrees Celsius.


When completely dissolved, pour into moulds such as yoghurt or small pudding moulds, or a venison loin mould.


Leave covered in the fridge to set – at least 6 hours. Tip the set panna cotta out and pour the fruit or caramel sauce over it. You can also sprinkle with berries, strawberries, raspberries…


The caramel sauce is easy to prepare – mix sugar and water in a saucepan. When the sugar has dissolved and the mixture starts to boil, add the cream and whisk with a whisk until the caramel is brown.