Delicious cold-smoked salmon on avocado recipe

Preparation time: 15 min

Baking time: 0 min

Total time: 25 min


  • Semi cold-smoked salmon
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tbsp cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp cream cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon lime juice
  • Salt
  • Sweet pepper
  • Dill
  • Redist
  • Vesicress
  • Preparation instructions

  • Chop the avocado into even pieces.
  • Mix the cream cheese with the lime juice, salt, pepper and dill.
  • Gently add the avocado to the mixture.
  • Stir the mixture into a round mould and refrigerate for about 10 minutes. If you don’t have a mould, use a spoon to mould it.
  • Scrape the salmon into even pieces.
  • Remove the avocado mixture from the fridge and remove the mould.
  • Place the salmon on top of the avocado mould.
  • Cut the thin rungs from the radish and place on top of the salmon for decoration.
  • Add watercress and season with pepper.
  • You can serve the salmon with mayonnaise-mustard sauce.
  • Salmon on an avocado platter

    Who doesn’t like fish? Salmon is particularly good and delicious. What’s more, eating fish is good for you because it provides your body with the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D it needs. Omega-3 fatty acids lower blood pressure, increase fat burning and reduce the effects of stress on the body.

    We thought we’d make something exciting from salmon and the result is in front of you.

    The fish we started to make a delicious dish from was Viči cold smoked salmon. Cold-smoked salmon needs to be properly salted, and we liked the fact that Viči uses Himalayan crystal salt to salt the fish. Cold-smoking is a lengthy process that takes much longer compared to hot-smoking, but which results in a real delicacy. Cold-smoked salmon is a product that does not require much effort. The first step is to take the salmon out of its packaging and cut it into even pieces. We cut them into longer strips so that they would be easy to roll up later.

    We prepared an avocado casserole to go under the cold-smoked salmon. We used cream cheese, lime juice, avocado, and salt and pepper to season. We mixed the cream cheese, dill and lime juice together. We carefully added avocado to the mixture. If you mix too vigorously it turns into a porridge. We pressed the mixture into a round mould and put it in the fridge to rest for about 10 minutes. After a while, we took the avocado cushion out of the fridge and placed a tray of cold smoke on top. We used radishes and watercress for decoration. For those who have never used watercress before, we warmly recommend it as it adds a nice amount of freshness and greenery to the dish.

    We finished the salmon on the avocado bed and it tasted really good. It’s a great dish to eat on a hot summer’s day, when you don’t really fancy hot food and you’re craving something fresh and cool.

    We enjoyed this dish in a delicious and delicious way.