Crispy spicy chicken wings


5 pcs chicken wings 3 pcs egg 3 tbsp cornflour 1 cup corn-flakes salt ground black pepper ground red pepper ground chilli powder ground oregano ground basil ground rosemary


A quick and tasty recipe that doesn’t even require a lot of dishwashing.


Salt and pepper the chicken wings. To avoid having to wash a lot of dishes, prepare only 2 containers.


In a smaller bowl, scramble the eggs. Add the salted wings to the larger bowl. Add black pepper, ground paprika, a little oregano, basil, rosemary and a pinch of chili. Mix well. Add more of whichever is less to taste. It is recommended to let it stand for a little while to let the meat take on the flavours.


Add about 3 tbsp cornflour and mix with the wings. If they still seem like they could tolerate the flour, we can add more. Pour in half the eggs and mix. Add the cornflour again and mix, then add the eggs and mix again.


Prepare the corn-flake wrapper. Put the corn-flakes in a bag and with a pastry roller, crush them into smaller pieces, but be careful not to make flour. Then wrap the wings in it.


Heat the oil and when it is very hot put the wings in and fry. Serve with fresh seasonal Vegetable Recipes or some creamy dip is great with them. Bon appetit 🙂