Choux-and-cake porridge


250 g lentils 1 pk smaller zucchini 1 handful round grain rice 1 tsp turmeric 2 cloves garlic pk spices such as bear garlic, black pepper, parsley and parsnip leaves to taste pk bay leaf, salt pk hemp seeds peeled pk and if you want parmesan cheese


or how to make instead of a side dish, a thick soup. The only soup I liked in school was lentil soup with an egg. A thick and flavorful mixture, filled with a similar flavor to what our grandmother used to make. With bread. Soft as cotton wool with big holes in it. Sourdough. Yummy. We don’t call the dishes of the type called prívarkom because the name conjures up memories of the right to eat dishes that didn’t taste good. So today we have thick porridge. .) The dish in the picture was created by accident. As a novomama, I really only eat by accident sometimes. I cook for our almost one year old daughter, for my husband, and I eat what’s left over.

I made zucchini rice cake and had leftover from the mix. I had just blended lentils in the pot. So I finished the zucchini that was left after cutting it into the pie, and served the mixtures on one plate as a whole. It was fabulous, the full flavors wedded into a family of crisp, supple, long and good and filling and nutritious.

Lentils are a traditional crop, but I haven’t heard of anyone growing them as a legume in the garden? Do you know anything more about it? Does anyone grow it? Do you know that apparently most of the world’s lentils are eaten in India? We know a few colorful varieties like brown, red, yellow, green…but there are supposedly more than fifty in India. Lentils contain a lot of calcium and iron. Potassium and phosphorus, among others. And it is a rare source of protein. It is not to be missed in my vegetarian menu.


Cook rice in salted water until tender. In the same way, put washed lentils (I used brown) with bay leaf in another pot of water to cook. Remove both cooked ingredients from the heat.


Into a blender put most of the lentils , but without the bay leaf, some rice, raw leftover organic zucchini skin, you can use the ends but try to make sure they are not bitter. Blend until thick. Add a little salt, turmeric.


Mix the remaining rice with chopped herbs and grated zucchini. She will “run out” in the hot rice and soften a little. Fry the hemp seeds in a dry frying pan.


Serve the thick fragrant lentils on the plate first. Spoon the zucchini rice scented with herbs into the centre, add the rest of the unblended lentils and sprinkle with hemp seeds and you can also add zucchini slices. Add the parmesan cheese if you want, because that’s just like icing on the cake. 🙂