Chicken Florentine

Marinated portions of chicken, coated in flour and eggs, fried in well heated oil until golden brown.


1 piece of chicken 2 pcs bulb 1 pcs carrots 1 pc eggs 1/4 pc celery 2 dcl

td>white wine juice of 1 pc lemon


smooth flour bean leaf pepper salt


1. Cleaned chicken and cut into pieces
2. Prepare the marinade; finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and celery, add the wine, lemon juice, finely minced bay leaves and pour the marinade over the chicken portions, leave to rest overnight
3. The next day, drain the chicken portions, pat dry, coat in plain flour and a lightly salted and peppered egg, fry in oil until tender.


Serve with potatoes and vegetable salad.


Recipe sent to us by Dalibor Marounek