Cheesecake doughnuts


250 g soft cottage cheese 300 g plain flour 3 pcs eggs 50 g powdered sugar 1 pk baking powder 1 pk vanilla sugar 50 ml oil 1 pinch salt grated lemon peel

For coating:

powdered sugar vanilla sugar Nutella jam


I first made these doughnuts about 40 years ago. Mostly for our kids, of course. It’s a very easy, quick to make sweet dish. And sweet kids love it. Today, I make these doughnuts with my grandchildren, who are always so excited to cook and bake with Grandma.


Mix all the ingredients, preferably with a mixer, it only takes 2-3 minutes. The dough is sticky but it doesn’t matter. Let it rest for about 30 minutes.


You can roll out the dough, cut out small rounds and fry them. You’ll have lovely evenly sized doughnuts. But it is easier to use a spoon to put small doughnuts in the hot oil. It makes all sorts of weird shapes and that’s what kids love to do. Place the fried doughnuts on paper to drain off the excess fat.


Place at least 10 tablespoons of icing sugar, vanilla sugar in a large bowl and roll the doughnuts in this mixture. You can use cinnamon sugar, cocoa powder, granulated sugar and decorate with Nutella, jam, whipped cream.


Helping my granddaughter Julinka, she had a very responsible task to coat the doughnuts in sugar. Helping in the kitchen is fun for the kids and the two of us had a great time 🙂