Cauliflower – lentil soup with cumin


400 g cauliflower 500 g red lentils 1 pk organic carrots really taste like carrots and are from Slovakia 2 pk celery stalk 2 pk potato 3 cloves garlic 2 tbsp cumin can be whole, after all you can mix it pk one pepper pod with seeds pk bay leaves pk salt



Put the water with the salt and bay leaves with the cumin seeds in a wide pot to boil. Cumin aids digestion, so even with its stronger flavor, it’s great in this soup.


When the water is warm, put in the chopped Vegetable Recipes and let it cook until the potatoes are soft.


Remove the celery stalks and bay leaf from the soup- at least in our house we don’t blend them. Then blend everything with a blender until smooth. Or as you like.


I set aside one cauliflower and cut it into thicker slices, which I roasted with the pumpkin seeds in a pan with a little olive oil and flake salt.


For more preparation tips and tricks, see the article