Brynzové pirohy II.

Cooked pierogi filled with bryndza, lightly mixed with cooked bacon, served garnished with bryndza.


250 g of bryndza 250 g bacon 1-2 cups of flour 1-2 cups 4 pcs of egg 2 pcs medium potatoes pinch of salt


1. Drain the cooked potatoes in boiling water, let them cool, peel them, grate them coarsely and mix them with the bryndza
2. Shape into loaves, roll out into a pancake about 2 mm thick, cut out 10 cm diameter rounds and put a spoonful of bryndza in each, fold and press the edges well
5. Put them in boiling salted water and cook for about 8 minutes until they float, then take them out with a perforated ladle and let them drain
6. Put them in the cooked bacon, mix lightly and sprinkle with the remaining bryndza.


Photo: Naďa Indruchová