Bread Soup

For this soup, we can use older bread left over from previous days.


400 g of bread 20 g smooth flour 100 g root Vegetable Recipes (carrots, celery, parsley) 50 g butter 1.25 l drinking water 1 piece of masox cubes 1 pcs of egg green parsley for garnish cumin salt


1. Cut the hard old bread into smaller pieces and boil it well in water, then press it through a sieve or blend it
2. Add the roux prepared from butter and flour, cleaned and diced root Vegetable Recipes, cumin, salt and boil everything well for about 20 minutes
3. Finally, add the masox bouillon cube and season the soup with egg yolk and chopped green parsley.


For the preparation of the roux, see recipe: Porridge.