Bolognese Pork Roast

Roasted, salted, peppered and fennel-seasoned pork roast, seared whole in oil, then braised until tender with onions, covered with milk. At the end of the braising, the mushrooms are added to the sauce, sautéed separately.


700-800 g of whole roast pork


100 g of steamed mushrooms 40 g butter 30 g onions 2 tbsp oil 1 tbsp chopped parsley 0.5 l milk 2 pcs garlic cloves speck of ground fennel ground pepper salt


1. Salt and pepper the pork roast, rub with grated garlic, season with ground fennel and refrigerate for at least 2 hours
2. Brown the meat in oil and butter on all sides
3. Add the chopped onion, fry it, pour in room temperature milk and simmer until tender, basting occasionally
4. Take out the soft meat, add chopped parsley, separately sautéed mushrooms and simmer everything together for a while
5. Cut the finished meat into slices, divide it on plates and pour the sauce over it.