Beetroot risotto


2 dl arborio rice 2 pcs banana shallots 2 cloves garlic 1 pcs larger beetroot pcs parsley 1 liter broth or water pcs lemon zest 50 g butter 100 g parmesan pcs salt pcs crushed black pepper


If anyone is afraid of the earthy taste of beetroot, you won’t taste it in risotto, this creamy goodness. Plus, beetroot is refreshing and provides your body with much-needed iron. If you are prone to anaemia, beetroot dishes are perfect for you. Beetroot leaves, the young and tender ones, can also be used. They make excellent salads and you only need to combine a few handfuls with feta cheese and olive oil, some grilled beetroot and pine nuts.


Stir fry the beetroot in the fried shallots, add the rice and reheat. Pour in the liquid – broth or water so that the rice is covered by about 1cm and add salt, pepper and grated lemon zest, stirring over high heat.


When the first water boils and soaks into the rice, turn the heat down to medium and baste again. Add the liquid until the rice is soft in an “al dente” way. Stir in the butter and parsley and remove from the heat.


Once the rice is off the heat, stir in some of the Parmesan cheese. If you have fresh spinach, you can mix the torn spinach into the risotto. Spinach also has iron, vitamin C. Together with the beetroot you get a perfect meal. For a change and inspiration, try the recipe with buckwheat as well.


TIP: Keep stirring so that the rice from the bottom gets evenly on top. Since rice contains starch, it is imperative that it is well cooked throughout the pan. If you did not stir the risotto, the bottom layer closer to the fire would cook faster and be overcooked, while the top layer would be full of unchewable grains.


If you don’t have the arborio or carnaroli type, don’t make Italian risotto. These rices have a different starch content than the others, and that’s what gives them the ability to make a delicious creamy dish. The rice is cooked until and undercooked until it is “al dente”, that is, it is nice but not overcooked when you bite into it.