Bear garlic and coloured lentil soup
2 dl yellow lentils 2 dl red lentils 2 pcs large red carrots 2 pcs large yellow carrots 2 pcs spring onions 1 bunch of bear garlic pcs water, oil, salt
We bought colored carrots, both red and yellow, to match the red and yellow lentils at home. So why not combine them? My carrot and lentil soup was named Three Kings Soup years ago, because that’s the exact day it was made. It has ginger and nutmeg in it, too. When we enjoy the flavors at home, we often repeat some dishes and innovate the recipe with ingredients that nature offers in season. The combined proteins from the lentils, carrot beta-carotene and onion essences were complemented by a seasonal dip from the forest – bear garlic. I once tried mixing it into a cooked soup raw and so the flavour was quite distinctive. I liked it, my husband ate it and the child (I think there was only one at the time) refused. Today I hedged my bets, added the bear garlic at the end and boiled it. Everyone ate it, even our youngest. It was her first lentil soup because she had refused them until now . The soup is great for strengthening, for boosting immunity. Or just for the sake of it, if anyone cares – for it’s full, rich yet fresh taste.
Add chopped root Vegetable Recipes, washed lentils to boiling water in a large pot and cook with spring onions. When the lentils are soft, remove the spring onions. We don’t like them cooked much, nor do we like to mix them into porridges.
Pick up the “chumminess” – what we call the cooked protein-foam on the soup. Add the bear garlic to the vase and boil. Salt. Remove from heat and blend with butter in a blender until smooth. Drizzle with good quality olive oil on a plate and garnish with garlic leaves or garlic florets (don’t eat them, they say they shouldn’t be eaten).
Bear garlic often grows amongst ivy, when picking clean the bouquet from the ivy leaves as it is poisonous. Wash the garlic leaves before use.