Basic sourdough bread


150 g rye bread flour 150 g water 30 g rye sourdough

Next you need

330 g T650 plain bread flour 180 g water 2 tsp salt 1 tsp caraway


Detailed progress for making wheat-rye sourdough bread. Use a 750g loaf pan.


Stir together the ingredients for the leavening and leave on the line covered with cling film or lid to rest for about 9hrs at room temperature. You can make the leaven just before bedtime and knead it into bread in the morning or make the leaven early in the morning and bake it in the evening.


Hot leaven


Weigh the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough (by hand, with kneading hooks, in a food processor).


Cover the bowl with the dough and leave to ferment on the line for about 2-3 hours. Turn the dough every 30-40 minutes. Fold by stretching the dough with your hand or a spatula and folding it to the opposite side, rotate the bowl 90degrees and fold the dough about 4-5 times each time from top to bottom. However, if you skip folding, nothing terrible will happen.


After two hours, roll the dough into a wrap. Transfer the risen dough to a floured board, pat the dough on each side, fold it to the opposite side and shape into a loaf. Choose either round or oval, depending on the oval you have. If you don’t have a loaf pan, use a fruit basket, colander or other similar container and line it with a floured cloth.


Place the pesto in the oval with the joint on top.


Leave the dough on the line to ferment for 2-3 hours at room temperature, (less in the summer heat)


Close the oven and let it heat up to 250degrees along with the baking sheet on which you will bake the bread. Place the old baking sheet on the bottom and pour 1,5dl of water on it to steam the oven.


When the oven is preheated, turn the bread out, cut and place on the baking sheet. Pour a little water on the bottom baking sheet and quickly close the oven.


Bake for 10minutes at 250st. I bake 15minutes at 230degrees (this is the max temperature of our oven)


Reduce the heat, remove the baking tray with water and bake at 200deg for about 20-30minutes.


A properly baked bread has a brown colour, a very hard crust and when you knock from underneath it sounds lovely hollow. Let cool on a wire rack.


You can read even more about preparing the bread here.