Avocado ceviche, a very easy and light Peruvian recipe

Total: 10 min Diners: 2

The only thing we know for sure about ceviche in Spain is that it is the best ambassador of Peruvian food and that rare is the “chic” or modern restaurant that does not have it on the menu. Despite the fact that Peruvian cuisine is much, much, much more than ceviche.

The stories of its origin are very disparate: some say it comes from the Spanish Moors who imported the marinade; others claim it comes from the word “siwichi”, Quechua terminology meaning fresh fish; and there are also those who trace its origin to more than 2500 years ago, when the Mochica tribes marinated fish in tumbo, a local fruit.

They say that to live in the past is to lose the present and, today, what we are interested in knowing about ceviche is how to prepare it. And it is one of the most famous, demanded and searched preparations on the internet that there is in relation to all the cuisine of the world. Its preparation could not be easier and, best of all, it can be prepared in countless ways; depending on ingredients, season and available products, it can be made with mackerel, sea bass or even mango and duck.

It is well known that ceviches are prepared with the freshest fish from the sea, but… Why not use the freshest Vegetable Recipes from the garden? Yes, as you read it, an authentic Peruvian ceviche, but using the acclaimed and widely used avocado as the main ingredient. A delicious vegetarian recipe, very rich and as fast as time you take to cut all the products.

Although at first glance an original ceviche seems a very simple recipe to prepare, which it is, it actually has many different ways to be done depending on the flavor you want to give the leche de tigre or if we do it directly or previously, as well as how laborious it is to clean the bones and noble parts of the fish.

On this occasion, since it is a vegetarian/vegan recipe, we skip this step and prepare a tiger milk, based on a very balanced citrus juice, which will not take us more than two minutes. Along with the juice, we only need a few good avocados that are at their optimum ripeness. Neither very ripe nor, of course, green; smooth, soft and that when separated from their peel remain just as firm. Mise en place done, it only remains, at the time of consumption, mix all the ingredients and enjoy as if there were no tomorrow.

An easy, tasty and quick recipe to enjoy with the family as if you were in the most modern and fusion restaurant of the place (which by the way, if you want to jump to Peru, these are some interesting ceviches in Madrid).

How to make a vegan avocado ceviche


. Avocado, 2 pcs Pumpkin, 80 g Butter or olive oil, 25 g Red onion, 1 pc Garlic clove, 1 pc Fresh ginger, 35 g Fresh cilantro, 1 bunch Orange, 1 pc Lime, 2 pcs Fresh red chili, 1/2 pc (ideally aji limo) Salt, 1 tsp Totopos, 6 pcs

Step 1

Peel and cut the squash into small squares. Sauté over high heat in a frying pan with oil or a little butter. Set aside.

Step 2

Cut the red onion into very fine julienne strips. Put in water and ice to lose strength for at least one hour.

Step 3

Make the leche de tigre: peel the ginger and garlic. Remove the germ and put it in a blender glass. Add the coriander, orange juice, juice of the limes and pepper. Blend and strain.

Step 4

Cut the chili slices and, if necessary, de-seed and remove the veins to reduce some of the spiciness.

Step 5

Cut the avocado into bite-sized squares and place in a bowl. Add a teaspoon of salt, most of the onion and the leche de tigre. Stir well being careful not to break the avocado and with the spoon always attached to the bowl.

Step 6

Plate the ceviche and top with plenty of red onion, the fresh chile slices, sautéed squash and some diced tortilla chips.

Prepare the ceviche.